The 3rd Huoli Shaonian Wang animated season. It follows an entirely new story and new characters unrelated to the previous seasons. The previous seasons metaphorical usage of magic/spirit/chi to visualize yoyo battles has now become literal. The yoyo toys have spirit animals within them and the cast tries to return them to their world before the villains use them for evil purposes. Leon has an argument with his classmate Gurido for trifle. At the advice of Catherine, Leon and Gurido decide to judge the victory or defeat through yoyo competition. The Daemon Tiger appears when Leon and Gurido begin to fight in the woods. Leon follows Daemon Tiger and work with it. With Daemon Tiger’s help, Leon defeats Gurido. + More
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Overview:The 3rd Huoli Shaonian Wang animated season. It follows an entirely new story and new characters unrelated to the previous seasons. The previous seasons metaphorical usage of magic/spirit/chi to visualize yoyo battles has now become literal. The yoyo toys have spirit animals within them and the cast tries to return them to their world before the villains use them for evil purposes. Leon has an argument with his classmate Gurido for trifle. At the advice of Catherine, Leon and Gurido decide to judge the victory or defeat through yoyo competition. The Daemon Tiger appears when Leon and Gurido begin to fight in the woods. Leon follows Daemon Tiger and work with it. With Daemon Tiger’s help, Leon defeats Gurido.